First off I would like to say thank you for your support of this highly unique sport. Very few men and women have what it takes or have the passion to compete on stage and be recognized for their hard work.

I too have had the opportunity to compete on stage for a short time. However, due to an aggravated combat injury, requiring spinal surgery, I am unable to join my peers on stage in competition. It was at that point I turned my focus to supporting this amazing competitive sport.

I have been assisting the former promoter of the NPC Vancouver USA Natural Championships for the past 7 years. This and several friends that compete have kept me closely tied to the sport and very passionate about the people that strive to better themselves.

about 03I was born in the Portland, OR, grew up in Vancouver and graduated from Hudson’s Bay High School just 10 minutes from the venue. I have the honor to be married to my wife, Amy, since 2002. We have been blessed with 4 children. My family is my world.

I have served my country through my military service since 2001. I am a Senior Non Commissioned Officer with the Washington Army National Guard. I am currently Active duty military and plan to retire from the military. I deployed to Iraq in 2003 into 2004 as an explosives expert, Combat Engineer. I am proud of my Country and the men and women who serve and protect it. I am proud to be called a Soldier.

In the military we are pushed to and past our limits to better ourselves and to be better prepared to face adversity in the protection of our Country. In this unique sport I see some of the same challenges competitors face daily and know they are among the few that have what it takes to go the distance. I am proud and honored to have the opportunity to promote this awesome competition for you, your family and friends. Never give up; you’re among the best our Country has to offer.

With the utmost respect,

Wade Lowery

About Shadow Productions
About Shadow Productions

John Smith, had Faith in an over weight young man when I had little faith in myself. As my personal trainer he challenged me to step on Stage at the Vancouver Open, he said “you commit to it and I’ll step on stage with you.”

3 months later I step on stage at the 2007 NPC Vancouver Open. That Day in 2007 one man’s Faith changed another Man’s Life.

“Lift where you stand”

I’m Honored to now Promote the Vancouver Open and help to impact the life’s of men and Women a crossed our Great Nation.

Thank you John Smith.

Presenting John SMITH with the Lifetime Inspiration Award at the 2019 Vancouver Open